Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Saying goodbye and made it to Newport, RI

Tuesday night - 6/29

We just left Maine today and stopped in Andover, MA to have dinner with Em's roommate Liz's parents.  Patrice and Steve made us a great Lobster dinner and we very much enjoyed our visit - we headed out of Boston area about 11:30 and have just made it to Newport, Rhode Island, where we will venture out tomorrow before heading back to NYC tomorrow night.  We will catch up on our blog travels tomorrow night in NYC while I'm doing the laundry!  One of the most incredible things happened today in Maine that we can't wait to tell.  But for tonight, I must go to sleep - it is 2:30 am.

More tomorrow.


  1. I can't wait to hear your story. Hugs and love you.

  2. Girls, you were practically down the road from me in Andover! (about 30 minutes from my home). Can't wait to hear more!
