Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 1 - Arrival in DC

I got to sit next to former Presidential Candidate and House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt on the plane to DC.  Whoop Whoop!  He didn't speak the whole plane ride, so I found him  not to be very entertaining. LOL He read 3 or 4 newspapers on the ride to DC from Atlanta, then took a nap.  I snuck in a picture of his sleeping self with my iphone and caught his mouth wide open.  It was an undercover operation - he had no idea I was taking his picture from my phone, which was in my purse on the floor -  I just kinda aimed it up and took it - It was pretty funny.  After we landed, he hoped in a waiting black car and took off to do whatever it is he does now.  I know the guy probably doesn't want everyone to bother him, but he could have at the least spoken - he's really lucky I didn't bend his ear on every issue that I have.  I really should have - I don't usually miss out on opportunity like that, but I was sleepy!  :)We had no problems traveling to DC today, and met up at the hotel within an hour of each other!  It was great to see my Emily - her smile makes my day.... We love our hotel and the area we are in - we are basically on the campus of George Washington University, about 3 blocks from Georgetown.  The area is very quiet and the streets are cobblestone, with beautiful flowers and trees lining the streets.  We are 2 blocks from Pennsylvania Ave and then about 10 blocks up from the White House.  The area reminds me a lot of the campus area of Tulane, in New Orleans, with the exception of the architecture - of course it is very colonial here in contrast to very French in New Orleans.  Georgetown is a neighborhood within DC and we went up tonight to that area for dinner.  It is very pretty and has, again, cobble streets, lots of brick and stone and lots of stores, bars and restaurants and after a long walk through Georgetown, we ended up at the "Exorcists steps" - famous steps from the exorcist movie that I have not ever seen, but Em was excited to see them and she climbed them to the top - about 60-70 steps that go straight up to another street.  Needless to say, I stayed below, took a picture and begged her to come down.  LOL  It was 11 pm at night!  We walked over the Key Bridge that goes over the Potomac to try to find a good night picture of the Washington Monument but the camera didn't take a very good pic.  Today was a day to get familiar with the area and we will get up tomorrow and really scout out the area - our plan is to start at the Newseum and walk the city and see all the beautiful landmarks - we have a tour of the State Department tomorrow as well - maybe will run into Hillary, and I'll bend her ear.  Happy to be with my girl and looking forward to the days ahead.  Till tomorrow................Jenny

1 comment:

  1. The blog is a fabulos idea! Can't wait to see how the story unfolds.....You are both such talented writers......:)
